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c't sells bi-weekly more than 390,000 copies
IVW-figures for the computer magazine c't, third quarter 1999

Hanover, Germany, October 15th 1999 -- In the third quarter of 1999 the computer magazine c't has sold an average of 391,029 copies every two weeks. That is an increase of 11 percent compared to the previous quarter.

c't is Europe's most subscribed computer magazine. More and more readers do not want to miss an issue and play it safe: 190,444 fans read c't in subscribtion. That are 31,386 subscribers more than last year, a considerable increase of 19.7 percent.

The unbroken growth can also be noticed in the retail sales. The new figures show that c't is winning many new readers. Single issues had total sales of well over 400,000 copies.